Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary

The Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary in Karnataka is a hidden gem worth visiting.  It is located in northern Karnataka, resting amongst unspoiled forests and quenched by the mighty Kali River that crisscrosses this domain.

To visit Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, one flies in to Goa, Bangalorem Belgaum or Hubli Airport. From there, it is a long but exciting road journey that cuts across this ancient natural wonderland. Most resorts in Dandeli will send you a shuttle to pick you up if you are staying with them.

Along the way to Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary, one sees the kind of deciduous trees, rare birds and divergent insects that give you a quiet preview and signal the start of a land that is fertile with natural nutrients and teeming with life.

Amongst the animals in Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary are big cats like Panthers, natural predators like the Bengal Tiger and dangerous reptiles like the Indian Crocodile.

These predators of Dandeli sit on top of and feed off a much larger and more visible population of fauna such as deer, bison and fine-feathered birds. If you are a serious animal watcher, the chances are high that you will see a tiger or panther at Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary. Some of the other main attractions of the park are:

  • Indian sloth bear
  • Indian pangolin
  • Giant Malabar Squirrel
  • Dhole, the Indian jackal
  • Muntjac (barking deer)
  • Indian elephant and
  • Indian peafowl 

One reason for this rich ecosystem of animals at Dadneli Wildlife Sanctuary is the Kali River. Rich in minerals and nutrients, this ancient river cuts across the igneous volcanic rocks of the area and picks up nutrients from the fertile plains and basins of Karnataka’s Western Ghats.

Another reason is the early protection of this animal kingdom by the Karnataka government and the central government. As early as 1956, the state and national governments realized that this area was special and decided to protect it by making a special reserve.

Since then, responsible tourism has siphoned money into the infrastructure of the area and careful conservatism has done wonders in protecting the delicate balance that exists here. If you are a looking for an authentic and interesting wildlife experience, Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary is the best place to visit!


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